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Add Zing to Spring Gatherings

Photo of a family together in the kitchen

No pressure but…here come all the spring events!  Mother’s Day. Father’s Day. Graduation parties. We celebrate kin with brunches, barbecues, dinners and casual gatherings. What if you made that time even more precious by planning something fun for all ages?!

Here are five ways you can bring family and guests together, creating memories that last beyond one day’s celebration.

  1. Kitchen together. Assign different prep tasks for your planned meal, so everyone has something to do. Or ask each person or family unit to bring their favorite dish along with copies of the recipe to share. Encourage them to cook it together. Highlight existing family recipes and create new traditions!
  2. Create together. With paper, a few stamps, punchers and stickers make individual greeting cards. The goal is for everyone to send their crafted card to a family member before the next gathering. Or gather everyone around a table to frost and decorate cookies any way they like. Hear those “oohs” and “aahs!”
  3. Play games together. Timed games like Pictionary and strategy games like Settlers of Catan foster teamwork and friendly competition. And lots of laughs!
  4. Raise voices together. Whether yours is a karaoke or sing-along crowd, sharing music is a human tradition that goes back eons.
  5. Scavenge together. Create a list of items in your home, yard or neighborhood. Designate teams (elder/younger, cousins, etc.). Ask each team to take a picture of each item they find. Choose a time limit and set your group loose!   

A little extra effort will make your traditional celebration a standout memory for you and everyone you call family.

Inspire the rest of us by sharing your family event activities on Instagram, tagged with #laragrauerphotography

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