“Do you remember your whole “Behind The Reflector” thing?”
“Wait, the whatnow?”
“You used to post “Behind The Reflector” stories. You’d literally take photos during sessions while holding the reflector and post those on the blog.”
“Oh yeah!”
I completely forgot that I used to post those stories here. You’re probably wondering what the heck happened.
A bunch of years ago, like pre-pandemic, I was running this website, and I was struggling, trying to make Google happy with all the SEO, trying to make the site fast and pass all those speed tests. Generally I was losing my mind. At my wits end, I recommended we hire a local SEO firm to do their magic for us, and it was a really good thing for a long time.
Early on in that relationship, they gave us a bunch of things that they wanted us to include in our blog posts and on social media. I promise you, I tried to add that stuff to my posts but I hated it. It was great for SEO but I felt like I sounded like a goofball. So I stopped.
They also told me not to touch the website. They didn’t want me updating WordPress or plugins or tools because it would mess up their SEO wizardry. I didn’t want to get in the way so I really REALLY stopped. I think there was a stretch of five years where I didn’t log in to this website at all. I didn’t even look at it.
I was just trying to be good.
Anyway, flash forward, here we are. We’ve changed our philosophy about the website, mostly meaning we don’t give a damn about what Google thinks about the site anymore. We don’t want to connect with stupid SEO bots… We want to connect with you guys.
And so here I am. The prodigal son is alive and well and living in the gear storage area.
I’ll once again be taking photos and videos during sessions, chatting with everyone that comes through our studio, and telling your stories – and our stories – here. Please like them and share them and print them out and hang them on your refrigerators.
Now… let’s see what WordPress plugins I can update and break…