Category / Headshot Photography / Business Branding
Seattle Headshots – Your Story Matters
“I just need a headshot.” I hear this phrase a lot, and it always makes me smile. If it was just a headshot, you would do it yourself without thinking twice. I get it. You’re thinking of a simple head-and-shoulders shot, and that’s it. Since you only need a photo of your face, it’s less…
Finish the Year Strong
Don’t let the holidays take your attention away from business marketing. Carve out a little time to finish the year strong! When it comes to promotion, thinking outside the box and embracing creativity can help you stand out from the competition. If you’re looking for fun and unconventional ways to market your business, here are…
Customers Like Visual Stories
Every picture relates an entire story—we know it’s true because the sentiment is repeated in prose, poetry and song. And we see and experience it all the time! Sharing stories about your business attracts more customers, especially the ones that identify closely with who you are and what you represent. In the last Shooting Star…
Attract Ideal Clients
Pictures demonstrate authenticity in ways that words alone cannot. Show prospects what makes your business choice-worthy by communicating visually about your products, services, and people. Help them experience what it’s like to be your customer! Consider these six ways to make a positive impression and connect with ideal clients by demonstrating who you are through…