Category / Family Photography - Seattle Photographer Lara Grauer / Children Photography / Fine Art Photography / Why We Photograph

Fine art photography is photography intentionally created in the vision of artist as photographer. It’s wonderfully subjective. I see something and I want to capture what I see straight from the heart. So let the photograph speak for itself. It’s about creating something that maybe can’t actually be seen in real life. There can most certainly be wedding photos or pet photos that we can call fine art photography. But a photographer cannot mix fine art into their everyday style without crafting their own voice, their own vision, on their own.

I realize this is some heady stuff I’m talking about here.

Without further hand-waving, here’s a selection of posts about the subjective side of photography. But hey, if you’ve got a vision for a piece of photographic art and a spot to hang it in, we’d love to help you out. Get in touch right away and let’s talk about your project.